Blogging is fairly mainstream these days, isn’t it? I mean your granny probably even knows what it is!! So if you’re thinking of starting a blog, or if you already have one and just want to increase your audience size, these tips are for you.
1. Have a point
This is the most important thing you can do. Too many people start blogs and try to turn it into an online diary. It’s like this – if you have a fantastically interesting life which is full of drama, you can become fantastically popular doing this. If you’re a regular person, however, you’re going tomake a bigger effort!
Which isn’t why you’re reading this – you want popularity. So have a point!! Make it interesting. Have something to say, and say it with passion. Look at that girl crying about Britney Spears on YouTube. She didn’t really have a lot to say, but she said it so dramatically, most of the world saw it. So if you’re not going to have a point worth sharing, at least make it worth laughing at - you just might end up with your own reality show, like her!(cool..!)
2. Blog-Hop
If you want an audience, you need to go get one. Find blogs related to the things you want to blog about(in our case, New Technologies), and then make friends. Don’t fake it – that becomes very obvious very quickly. Which is why I suggest you find blogs you LIKE, then it won’t be a chore commenting on them. Visit, chat, shoot the breeze. Leaving comments on other blogs will also get you visitors from those blogs, provided you’ve said something interesting and make them want to come see what else you have to say.
3. Talk to your readers!
This is a major mistake bloggers make. If someone takes the time to read your blog and leave comments, you can spare 5 seconds and at least say thank you. If I leave comments on your blog and you don’t at least acknowledge my existence, I would jump to another blog. But then, I’m a spolied little Princess and I enjoy attention!! All the same, make your readers feel like they matter to you – and really, they should matter to you, fans are very important! – and they will be more inclined to come back, and more inclined to tell their friends about you. All you have to do is leave a comment on your own blog in the comments section thanking them.
4. Link Love!
Trade links with people, this way their readers will see you on other blogs and come check you out. You can email people and ask them if they’d like to trade – be nice! The best way to ensure a yes, is to be approaching someone with similar content. Meaning, if you have a sex blog with Pornography, don’t expect a link trade with a Priest or nun!!!
5. Blog frequently
Don’t just blog once a week and expect people to check in every day. That’s not fair to them, and it will just make people think you can’t be bothered. Even if you have nothing worth saying, blog at least every other day if at all possible. You can always find something clever on YouTube to entertain your readers while you attend to whatever else you have going on.
6. Customize Your Blog Design
People are naturally attracted to eye-catching things. Have a cool looking blog and you’ve already come a long way without trying. I don’t care how nice your content is – if you’re blog is totally boring, I’m not going to want to visit. You don’t have to spend cash, there are plenty of people who make custom templates for free.