Second Life is sometimes referred to as a game, this description does not fit the standard definition. It does not have points, scores, winners or losers, levels, an end-strategy, or most of the other characteristics of games. There are, however, several games within Second Life, e.g., international football (soccer) matches.
Approximately 13 million accounts have been registered, and some Residents have multiple accounts. Residents are the users of Second Life, and their appearance is their avatar (often abbreviated to av, avi or ava). The basic avatar is human in appearance, but may be of either gender, have a wide range of physical attributes, and may be clothed or otherwise customized to produce a wide variety of humanoid and other forms.
Moreover, Second Life has its own economy and a currency referred to as Linden Dollars (L$). Residents regularly create new goods and services, and buy and sell them in the Second Life virtual world. There are also currency exchanges where Residents can exchange real world currencies for L$.
We will keep you updated with our experience in Second Life in a new post, as we discover more aspects of this ultimate virtual world.
You fully explained second life, and covered all the important things about it i mean we can recommend this post to explain second life to those who dont know anything about it coz it'll help them for sure! Now im excited to hear about your own avatars. I will be here to comment:P
Thanks a lot guys!
As we said, we'll keep u updated very soon.
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