"The moment of enlightenment is when a person's dreams of possibilities become images of probabilities."

By Vic Braden, American Tennis Coach

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Where am I?? Moon... Earth...??

Imagine one day you’re looking at the moon and you find your picture.With the new technology and advanced media everything is possible. Actually its serious, Google plans to brand its logo into the surface of the moon so that its visible from earth.
As there are maps of Google Mars and Google Earth, now there will be Google Moon pretty soon where certain companies will become the world’s biggest brand.
Since the US government will be paid a huge amount of money so planting the flag on the Moon’s surface has been considered.

''Google announced this week that it would sell a further 5.3 billion shares to raise $2.1bn.
Google's official filing to the Securities and Exchange Commission said that the sale of shares was designed to raise additional capital for future acquisitions, but the company declined to be more specific about any current agreements or commitments.''

>>So keep an eye at the moon, you never know when your picture appears.<<



Jana & Crystal said...

thats realy cool!!
I want my picture to be on the moon too:(
Just kidding..
Nice blog, creative ideas...

dana & Marwan! said...

wow that is really gr8!
when i told my sis's roommate she wanted to change her name to google hehe that's sth!
3anajd imagine seeing ur name or pic on the moon!
Dana :)

Ronda Jheir & Robert Moussa said...

guys everything is possible keep an eye at the moon from now and on.. u never know .. :):):):

Media and New Technologies said...

who thought about this new tech is a real thinker outside the box.great idea.where r we going?no one knows.c u on the moon.hahaha

Ronda Jheir & Robert Moussa said...

heheh good one rawane :)

Farah & Maysa said...

this is is a very interseting post, do u know that they started to plant flowers on the moon?

Ronda Jheir & Robert Moussa said...

no not really well thats also interesting maysa.. ronda