"The moment of enlightenment is when a person's dreams of possibilities become images of probabilities."

By Vic Braden, American Tennis Coach

Monday, May 5, 2008

Advertising vs. Nervous System

Usually we hear about water or air pollution… But have you ever heard about Visual Pollution??

>>A friend of mine, a marketing director at a well known company, was bragging about the advantages of advertising billboards.

She says: “we will definitely reach our target audience using broadcasting digital screens; I mean the customer is forced to watch the Ad he can’t switch the channel !!''

Do you think it’s our right to manipulate people’s consciousness??

We see all these digital Muppies, Unipoles, Megacom, and one must be confused and distributed by such vision. Honestly excessive outdoor Media is the century’s hazard.

Ronda :)

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