"The moment of enlightenment is when a person's dreams of possibilities become images of probabilities."

By Vic Braden, American Tennis Coach

Monday, May 19, 2008

Smiling :) Moons Over Manhattan


Relax it’s just an advertisement of a Toto Wash let company, no less. As we refer to the picture it is obvious that we see lots and lots of smiling moons over Manhattan, U.S.
But that’s not the issue, it is more than that. It’s the large billboard that we see made up of two-stories wrapped around three sides of a Time Square building.

You ask yourself why is it a smiling moon??

Because the Toto Wash let is modern-day miracle of science (according to the press release). It “upgrades a standard U.S. toilet to state-of-the-art in personal hygiene. It cleans and dries with aerated water and warm air (both adjustable, via wireless remote, for temperature and strength).

It seems an attractive advertisement to me, I thought ill share it with all my members.

Incase you didn’t like the faces! Well it is a very simple step just click here and choose your own happy face for those cheeks… :)


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